Bijušais Trampa kampaņas vadītājs, kurš 2016. gada vēlēšanās izmantoja Cambridge Analytica, lai mērķētu Facebook reklāmas, ir atgriezies ar savu mākslīgā intelekta platformu.

Bijušais Trampa kampaņas vadītājs, kurš 2016. gada vēlēšanās izmantoja Cambridge Analytica, lai mērķētu Facebook reklāmas, ir atgriezies ar savu mākslīgā intelekta platformu.

Donald Trump’s former campaign manager confidently looked into the camera and assured his audience that they were about to experience a revolutionary shift in political campaigning.

“You will witness the introduction of groundbreaking artificial intelligence technology that will eventually replace traditional polling methods nationwide,” said Brad Parscale in a promotional video with a dark ambiance and mesmerizing music.

Parscale, the digital strategist who played a pivotal role in Trump’s 2016 election triumph, claims that his innovative AI-driven platform will not only transform polling but also revolutionize the entire campaign process. He boasts that his AI tools will outdo major tech corporations and pave the way for a series of conservative victories around the world.

Parscale has previously declared that emerging technologies will enhance right-wing campaigns. He collaborated with the controversial data firm Cambridge Analytica and significantly contributed to Trump’s ascent to the presidency. Following a public disagreement and subsequent fallout with Trump after the Capitol riot, Parscale is now discreetly aiding Trump, the expected Republican nominee, in his campaign against Democratic President Joe Biden.

According to Parscale, his company, Campaign Nucleus, leverages AI to craft personalized emails, analyze vast data to assess voter sentiment, identify persuadable voters, and boost the online presence of “anti-woke” influencers. This is based on an analysis of Parscale’s public statements, company websites, promotional materials, and other documents not previously disclosed.

Since last year, Campaign Nucleus and other Parscale-affiliated firms have received over $2.2 million from the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee, and their associated political action and fundraising committees, as per campaign finance records.

Although his companies have only received a fraction of Trump’s total digital expenditure, Parscale remains well-connected with top Republicans, senior campaign officials, and the RNC, as revealed by a GOP insider who requested anonymity.

Lara Trump, the RNC’s new co-chair and Trump’s daughter-in-law, previously worked as a consultant for a company co-owned by Parscale. Additionally, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson’s campaign has recently employed Campaign Nucleus.

However, Parscale is not involved in the day-to-day operations of Trump’s campaign, according to the GOP source.

Parscale’s expertise in utilizing AI to micro-target supporters and solicit campaign donations could be crucial for Trump’s campaign and other fundraising groups. They have witnessed a decline in contributions from smaller donors and a spike in legal expenses—totaling at least $77 million—to defend the former president in various criminal and civil cases.

Beyond Trump, Parscale claims to have utilized AI to significantly boost conservative candidates and causes globally, including in Israel, the Balkans, and Brazil.

New AI-powered campaign tools

Parscale is not alone in employing machine learning to give candidates an advantage by forecasting voter behavior and motivating potential supporters to vote and donate. Politicians at all levels are experimenting with chatbots and other generative AI tools for crafting speeches, advertisements, and fundraising messages.

Some Democrats are concerned about being outpaced by Republicans in AI technology, similar to their previous experience with social media advertising. The Biden campaign and other Democrats are reportedly using AI to locate and mobilize voters and combat disinformation more effectively.

Election experts express apprehension about AI’s potential to disrupt elections globally through convincing deepfakes and other deceptive content that could mislead voters. The accessibility of advanced generative AI services raises concerns about their misuse in tarnishing candidates’ reputations or deterring voters from participating in elections, thereby undermining public trust in media.

Parscale has the financial resources to experiment with AI in ways that other proponents may not. His backing partly comes from a Texas billionaire who is one of the state’s most influential political donors.

Parscale did not respond to inquiries for comment, nor did the RNC.

AI is ‘so scary’

Trump has described artificial intelligence as “so scary” and “dangerous.” His campaign has downplayed Parscale’s involvement and stated that it does not utilize any AI company’s tools.

“The campaign employs proprietary algorithmic tools, like many others nationwide, to optimize email delivery and prevent sign-up lists from being filled with false information,” said campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung.

While political consultants often exaggerate their methods to secure new contracts, they can be secretive about their work to avoid aiding competitors. This makes it challenging to track how Parscale applies AI for Trump’s campaign or more broadly.

Parscale claims Campaign Nucleus can send personalized emails to voters and use data analytics to predict their sentiments. The platform can also amplify “anti-woke” influencers with significant social media followings.

Parscale has stated that his company can use AI to create “stunning web pages in seconds” that resemble media outlets. He presented this at a political conference where he was not previously announced as a speaker.

“Empower your team to create their own news,” read another slide from his presentation.

Soon, Parscale says, his company will launch an app that uses AI to assist campaigns in collecting absentee ballots similarly to how DoorDash or Grubhub drivers deliver food orders.

Chris Wilson, a Republican strategist who recently worked for a SuperPAC supporting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ unsuccessful presidential bid, praised Campaign Nucleus’ platform for its capabilities and user-friendliness.

Other political consultants, however, view Parscale’s AI-centric pitch as largely a repackaging of existing campaign strategies involving data scraping, ad testing, and voter behavior modeling.

From unknown to Trump confidant

Parscale, initially an obscure web designer in San Antonio, began working for Trump by creating an online presence for his family business. This led to a role in Trump’s 2016 campaign as one of its first hires, where he launched an ambitious digital initiative targeting voters with Facebook ads.

“I pretty much used Facebook to get Trump elected in 2016,” Parscale stated in a 2022 podcast interview.

To target Facebook users more effectively, the campaign partnered with Cambridge Analytica. After the election victory, Cambridge Analytica dissolved amidst investigations over a breach of millions of Facebook accounts.

Following Trump’s unexpected victory, Parscale’s influence expanded. He was promoted to manage Trump’s reelection bid and gained celebrity status. However, he was replaced as campaign manager after a rally in Tulsa attracted fewer attendees than expected, angering Trump.

Parscale’s personal life deteriorated, culminating in an encounter with police at his Florida home after his wife reported he had firearms and was threatening self-harm. He complied with a court order to surrender his firearms and faced no charges related to the incident.

After expressing regret for supporting Trump following the Capitol riot, Parscale briefly considered leaving politics. However, his disillusionment was short-lived as Campaign Nucleus established Trump’s website after tech companies restricted his platform access.

By mid-2022, Parscale resumed praising Trump on a popular GOP podcast.

Parscale’s platform

Trump’s 2024 campaign website now features a direct link to Parscale’s company and displays “Powered by Nucleus.” The campaign and related committees have paid Campaign Nucleus over $800,000 since early 2023.

Two other companies—Dyspatchit Email and Text Services and BCVM Services—share an address with Campaign Nucleus and have received $1.4 million from Trump’s campaign entities. Their ownership remains unclear.

Campaign Nucleus markets itself as a comprehensive solution for conservative candidates seeking automated campaign tasks. It claims to have assisted clients in raising $119 million and sent nearly 14 billion emails on their behalf.

Parscale recently claimed that Campaign Nucleus outperformed tech giant Salesforce in email fundraising tests. The company specializes in gathering information from political supporters and assigning numerical scores based on their likelihood of attending events or contributing to campaigns.

Parscale mentioned receiving thousands of inquiries about Campaign Nucleus from conservative parties worldwide. He also noted his team’s involvement in countries like India and Israel.

The company is actively recruiting intelligence analysts and marketers focused on AI-driven messaging and influencer campaigns. It has also partnered with other AI-focused firms like Phunware.

Parscale’s vision

Last year, Parscale purchased property in Midland, Texas—home to influential political donor Tim Dunn—and joined AiAdvertising as a strategic adviser after Dunn invested $5 million in the company. Dunn also contributed $5 million to MAGA Inc., a pro-Trump super PAC and Campaign Nucleus client.

Dunn declined to comment but has previously discussed how his political efforts are motivated by his faith.

AiAdvertising claims to have developed AI-generated “personas” for targeted messaging. Parscale envisions using AI to bypass traditional political consultants and reach audiences directly through independent media channels and influencers.

In January, Parscale addressed a Christian event in California, emphasizing the need for independent AI technology to support their movement without relying on mainstream media or companies.

Latvian Translation:

Jauni ar mākslīgo intelektu darbināmi kampaņu rīki

Pārskals nav vienīgais mākslīgā intelekta izmantošanā, lai dotu kandidātiem priekšrocības prognozējot vēlētāju uzvedību un motivējot potenciālos atbalstītājus balsot un ziedot naudu. Politiskie līderi visos līmeņos eksperimentē ar tērzēšanas robotiem un citiem radošiem mākslīgā intelekta rīkiem runu rakstīšanai un reklāmas materiālu izstrādei.

Daži demokrāti izsaka bažas par iespējamu atpalikšanu no republikāņiem mākslīgā intelekta jomā tāpat kā iepriekš ar sociālo mediju reklamēšanu. Līdz šim Baidena kampaņa un citi demokrāti teica ka izmanto mākslīgo intelektu, lai palīdzētu atrast un motivēt vēlētājus un labāk identificēt un uzvarēt dezinformāciju.

Vēlēšanu eksperti pauž bažas par mākslīgā intelekta potenciālu izmainīt vēlēšanas visā pasaulē ar pārliecinošiem dziļajiem viltojumiem un citu saturu kas var maldināt vēlētājus. Pieejamie radošie mākslīgā intelekta pakalpojumi ir kļuvuši sarežģītāki un amatpersonas uztrauc ka tie var tikt izmantoti kandidātu apmelot vai vēlētājus novirzīt no balsošanas tādējādi graujot sabiedrības uzticību tam ko viņi redz un dzird.

Pārskalam ir finansiālie resursi lai eksperimentētu ar mākslīgo intelektu veidos kuros citi entuziasti varbūt nespēj. Tas ir pateicoties daļēji viņa saiknei ar Teksasas miljardieri kurš ir viens no štata ietekmīgākajiem politiskajiem ziedotājiem.

Pārskals neatbildēja uz vairākiem ziņojumiem meklējot komentārus un RNC arī atteicās komentēt.

Mākslīgais intelekts ir ‘tik biedējošs’

Tramps ir aprakstījis mākslīgo intelektu kā “tik biedējošu” un “bīstamu.” Viņa kampaņa kas atturējusies no Pārskala lomas uzsvēršanas teica ka neizmanto nevienu mākslīgā intelekta uzņēmuma rīkus.

“Kampaņa izmanto savu algoritmisko rīku kopumu tāpat kā daudzas citas valsts mērogā lai palīdzētu efektīvāk piegādāt e-pastus un novērstu sarakstu piepildīšanu ar nepatiesu informāciju” teica kampaņas pārstāvis Stīvens Čungs.

Lai gan politiskie konsultanti bieži palielina savas metodes lai iegūtu jaunus līgumus viņi var būt ļoti noslēgti par sava darba detaļām lai nepalīdzētu konkurentiem. Tas padara grūti precīzi izsekot kā Pārskals izmanto mākslīgo intelektu Trampa kampaņai vai plašāk.

Pārskals apgalvo ka Kampaņas Kodols var sūtīt personalizētus e-pastus vēlētājiem un izmantot datu analīzi lai prognozētu viņu jūtas. Platforma var arī pastiprināt “pretwoke” influencerus kam ir lielas sekotāju grupas sociālajos medijos.

Pārskals ir teicis ka viņa uzņēmums var izmantot mākslīgo intelektu lai radītu “apburošas tīmekļa lapas sekundēs” kas rada saturu kas izskatās pēc mediju avota. Viņš prezentēja šo politiskajā konferencē kur viņš iepriekš nebija paziņots kā runātājs.

“Dodiet savai komandai iespēju radīt savas ziņas” lasa vēl viens slaid no viņa prezentācijas.

Drīz Pārskals saka ka viņa uzņēmums izvietos lietotni kas izmanto mākslīgo intelektu lai palīdzētu kampaņas savākt prombūtnes balsojumus tajos pašos veidos kuros DoorDash vai Grubhub šoferi paņem vakariņas no restoraniem un piegādā tās klientiem.

No nezinamais līdz Trampa uzticamais

Paskals sava darba sākumposmā bija salīdzinoši nezinams tīmekļa dizainers Sanantonio kurš sāka stradat Trampam kad tika algots lai izveidotu tīmekļa klatesmi biznesa magnata ģimenes uzņemumam.
Tas noveda pie darba nakoša prezidenta 2016 gada kampaņa. Viņs bija viens no pirmajiem algotajiem un vadiba ambiciozu un netradicionau digitau iniciativu kas balstijas uz plašu sociolo mediju kontu un satura datubazi lai merkitu veletajus ar Facebook reklamam.
“Es gandriz izmantoju Facebook lai ievetotu Trampu prezidentura 2016 gada” Paskals teica 2022 gada podkasta intervija.
Lai labak merkitu Facebook lietotajus ipasi kampaņa sadarbojas ar Kembridzas Analitiku britu datortehnikas uznemumu ko finanseja Roberts Mersers bagats un ietekmigs GOP ziedotajs. Pec velesanam Kembridzas Analitika likvidetas saskaroties ar izmeklesanam par tas lomu 87 miljonu Facebook kontu parkapuma.
Pec Trampa negaiditas uzvaras Paskala ietekme pieauga. Vinu veicinaja lai vaditu Trampa atkartotas velesanas un vinam bija slavenibas statuss. Augsts cilveks 6 pes 8 collas ar vikinga stila bardi Paskals biezi tika manits kampaņas sapulces fotografetjas ar Trampa atbalstitajiem un parakstit autografus.
Paskalu aizstaja ka kampaņas menedzeris neilgi pec mitina Tulsaa Oklahoma kur sanaca negaiditi mazs pulks kas saniknoja Trampu.
Vina personigais dzive sabruka kulminejot ar stava ar policiju pie vina Florida majam pec tam kad vina sieva zinoja ka vinam ir vairaki ieroci un vins draude sev nod